Childhood cancer is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in the pediatrics age
group. The problem affects both developed and developing countries. A high mortality rate has been observed in
low-income ...
Background: Minimum dietary diversity is the consumption of five or more food groups from the eight World Health
Organization recommended food groups. Adequately diversified diet, in terms of amount and composition, is ...
Introduction. To assess knowledge and attitude towards exclusive breast feeding among mothers attending antenatal care and
immunization clinic in Dabat Health Center, Northwest Ethiopia, 2016. Methodology. Institutional ...
Cancer is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality globally. In Ethiopia, 5.8% of deaths
are attributed to cancer. Therefore, this study aimed to examine the cancers preventive
practice and associated ...
Background: Evidence on double and triple burdens of malnutrition at household level among child-mother pairs is
a key towards addressing the problem of malnutrition. In Ethiopia, studies on double and triple ...
Introduction: Pain management is a very important aspect of nursing care. However, due to a lack of overall understanding,
it is not uncommon to see inadequate pain management by health workers. Therefore, the knowledge ...
ntroduction: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) was more common in children who had suffered physical
trauma than in adults. Despite its prevalence, the prevalence and factors associated with PTSD in pediatric ...
Background: The magnitude of loss to follow-up is high and remains a major public health
problem in developing countries. Therefore, the aim of this study determines the incidence
rate and predictors of loss to follow-up ...
Background: Childhood underweight is a critical public health problem that needs urgent
attention in developing countries, like Ethiopia. Despite its variation between localities, the
determinant factors and its geospatial ...
Background: Injuries continue to be an important cause of morbidity and mortality in the developed and
developing world. School-age children are more likely to experience unintentional injuries in the school, while they
are ...
Objective The aim of this study was to assess the
prevalence of anaemia and its associated factors at
the time of antiretroviral therapy (ART) initiation among
HIV-infected adults at Debre Markos Comprehensiv ...
A poorly known contagious disease outbreak, like COVID-19, leads to
unavoidable stress, fear, and anxiety. During the pandemic, University students suffer from
adverse mental health outcomes resulted from the continuous ...
Introduction Self-management in diabetic patients is vital to keep the illness under control and avert any long term complications. Effective management of diabetes is a difficult task without an adequate understanding of ...
ackground: Diabetes mellitus is emerging as a major worldwide health problem that has a social, financial, and
developmental impact on developing countries. Foot complications are among the most serious and costly ...
Background: Diabetes mellitus is emerging as a major worldwide health problem that has a social, financial, and
developmental impact on developing countries. Foot complications are among the most serious and costly ...
Introduction: Medication administration errors (MAEs) are common health problems that threaten
patient safety and raise mortality rates, duration of hospital stay, and cost of services. It also influences
healthcare ...
During pregnancy, the requirement nutrients increase as a result of
physiological changes and fetal growth [1]. As a result of the excess
amount of blood the body produces to provide nutrients for the fetus,
women who ...
Conclusion: Half of the parents were satisfied with their neonatal care at the University of Gondar Comprehensive
Specialized Hospital. Age group of below 25 years, being a mother and staying in the hospital for greater ...