Background: Injuries continue to be an important cause of morbidity and mortality in the developed and
developing world. School-age children are more likely to experience unintentional injuries in the school, while they
are playing and teachers are the primarily responsible body for keeping the welfare of the students. Knowing the
knowledge, attitude, and practice of kindergarten and elementary school teachers towards first aid will be used as
an input for policymakers to intervene and provide training. Therefore, this study was aimed to assess knowledge,
attitude, practice, and associated factors towards first aid among kindergarten and elementary school teachers in
Gondar city, Northwest Ethiopia, 2021.
Methods: An institution-based cross-sectional study was conducted from January 01 to 20, 2021. A simple random
sampling technique was employed to recruit 346 participants. A structured pretested self-administered
questionnaire was used to collect data. Data were entered in Epi-info version 7, analyzed using SPSS version 21, and
presented by frequencies, percentages, tables, and graphs. Bivariable relationships between the independent and
outcome variable were investigated using a binary logistic regression model and a multivariable analysis was run to
control potential confounding factors. Variables with a p-value < 0.05 were considered as factors significantly
associated and the strength of association was determined using an odds ratio with a 95% CI.
Results: Only 41.1% of the teachers had good knowledge of first aid. Nearly two-thirds (64.8%) of the teachers had
a favorable attitude towards first aid. The majority (85.8%) of the teachers who faced a child in need of first aid in
their school gave first aid. Factors like working experience [AOR: 2.45; 95% CI (1.26, 4.73)], school level [AOR: 4.72;
95% CI (1.96, 11.4)], school type [AOR: 4.23; 95% CI (2.07, 8.64)], and having information about first aid [AOR: 2.09;
95% CI (1.11, 3.92)] were significantly associated with knowledge. School-level [AOR = 5.4, 95% CI (2.18–11.67)],
school type [AOR = 0.45, 95% CI (0.21–0.94)], and working experience [AOR = 0.33, 95% CI (0.13–0.86)] were the
factors significantly associated with attitude